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#1 06 April 2016 17:45:14

Без пяти минут зоолог
Зарегистрирован: 13 January 2009
Сообщений: 2583

Песчаная лисица, или лисица Рюппеля


The Rüppell's fox is a small fox, measuring 66 to 74 cm (26 to 29 in) in total length, including a 27 to 30 cm (11 to 12 in) tail. Males appear somewhat larger than females, but both sexes are reported to have an average weight of 1.7 kg (3.7 lb). The coat is sandy in color, ticked with numerous white hairs, and fading from reddish along the middle of the back to pure white on the animal's underparts and on the tip of its tail. The head has a more rusty tone on the muzzle and forehead, with dark brown patches on the sides of the muzzle, stretching up towards the eyes. The chin and the sides of the face are white. The whiskers are long, reaching 7 cm (2.8 in), and the tail is bushy.

The Rüppell's fox has fur on the pads on its feet, that possibly helps distribute its weight and move easily on sand, and keeps the hot sand from burning their feet.[citation needed] Similar to other desert dwelling foxes, the Rüppell's fox has large ears to cool it off. Although adults are too large to confuse with fennec foxes, which live in the same area, young Rüppell's foxes can be confused with adults of that species. The larger ears, however, make them easy to distinguish from red and pale foxes, which also live in some the same areas. In addition, the coat of a Rüppell's fox is much paler than that of a red fox, while pale foxes lack the white tips on their tails

Rüppell's foxes are monogamous and either crepuscular or nocturnal, sheltering during the day in dens. Outside of the breeding season, these are small dens that can hold only one adult fox, and the animal typically changes dens every five days or so. Breeding dens are larger, and occupied by a pair of adults and their pups. Such dens can sometimes have more than one entrance, although this is unusual.[4] Most dens are dug under rocks, or under trees

Rüppell's foxes occupy distinct territories, which they mark with urine, but not with dung, as red foxes do. The territories of the members of a mated pair overlap almost completely, but are entirely separate from those of any neighboring pairs. These territories are maintained throughout the year, although the pair occupy separate dens outside of the mating season. The size of the territories varies with the local terrain, but has been reported as around 70 km2 (27 sq mi) in Oman, with those of males being larger, on average, than those of females.[4] The foxes range widely during their nocturnal foraging, travelling over 9 km (5.6 mi) in a night.

Rüppell's foxes are omnivores, with a diet that varies considerably depending on what is locally available. In some regions, they are reported to be mainly insectivorous, especially feeding on beetles and orthopterans, while in others, small mammals, lizards, and birds form a larger part of their diet. Plants eaten include grass and desert succulents, along with fruits such as dates, and they have also been known to scavenge from human garbage.





Per aspera ad astra



#2 09 April 2016 19:49:16

Crazy Zoologist

Re: Песчаная лисица, или лисица Рюппеля



#3 09 April 2016 20:16:57


Re: Песчаная лисица, или лисица Рюппеля

На фенека похожа.


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