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#1 12 February 2013 03:07:46
- zamolksis
- Любитель животных
- Зарегистрирован: 15 April 2010
- Сообщений: 705
Norbertine Bresslern-Roth
was an animal and portrait miniature painter as well as a graphic designer. From 1901 to 1910 she studied under Alfred Schrötter at the School of Arts in Graz. She continued her studies from 1911 to 1916 at the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts under Ferdinand Schmutzer. The artist then attended Hans Hajek's school for animal painting in Dachau. In 1916 Norbertine von Bresslern-Roth returned to Graz where she worked mainly as an animal painter: among Carl Fahringer and Heinrich Ludwig Jungnickel she is one of the most important Austrian animal painters. Brangwyn even pronounced her the greatest animal painter of her time. In 1928 Norbertine von Bresslern-Roth went on a study trip to North Africa, which, in addition to her studies at various zoological gardens, had a great impact on her extremely varied works: paintings such as "Lions breaking into the Kraal" and "Dying Lion, pierced by arrows" date back to that time. Apart from her dramatic animal paintings she painted decorative, stylised figure compositions such as "Dancing Women" or "Bird Hunter".
Norbertine von Bresslern-Roth received several awards, among them the Golden Medal of the city of Graz in 1922, the Honorary Prize of the city of Vienna in 1934 and twice the Austrian State Medal. She was a member of the VBKÖ, the Austrian Association of Women artists.
Norbertine von Bresslern-Roth became famous for her colourful linocuts and gobelin designs. Some of her works are property of the Joanneum in Graz.
• Sterbender, von Pfeilen durchbohrter Löwe (ca. 1928)
• Schneeleopard (1939)
• Verfolgung (1941)
• Windhunde (1925)
• Blaukehlchen (1922)
• Leopardenjagd (1927)
• Im Zoo (1944)
• ABC (Graz, Kienreich, 1946)
• Die Wiese (1948)
• Professor Wüsstegern (Kinderbuchreihe)
Отредактировано zamolksis (12 February 2013 22:16:06)
#2 12 February 2013 03:11:59
- zamolksis
- Любитель животных
- Зарегистрирован: 15 April 2010
- Сообщений: 705
Re: Norbertine Bresslern-Roth
Отредактировано zamolksis (13 February 2013 00:23:57)