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#1 21 December 2009 02:57:50
- Crazy Zoologist
- Гость
Как на русском будет Pholidota?
В русской вике фолидоты это отряд панголинов, а маниде - семейство ящеровых. Я всегда знал что ящер и панголин это синонимы в данном случае. Помогите разобраться.
Теперь некоторые ископаемые формы.
Metacheiromys is an extinct genus of mammal from the Mid Eocene of what is now Wyoming.
Metacheiromys looked somewhat like a modern mongoose, and measured around 45 centimetres (18 in) long. It had long claws and a narrow head similar in shape to that of an armadillo. The shape of its claws suggests that it probably dug through the soil in search of food, most likely small invertebrates. Unlike modern anteaters, it had powerful canine teeth, but it did have very few cheek teeth, instead using horny pads in its mouth to crush its food.[1]
Metacheiromys and its relatives are thought to be related to pangolins.
Эоманис всем известен...
Eomanis is the earliest known true (and scaled) pangolin from the Middle Eocene of Europe. Fossils collected from the Messel Pit, Germany, indicate that this 50 cm long animal was rather similar to living pangolins. However, unlike modern pangolins, its tail and legs did not bear scales. According to the stomach contents of the excellently preserved Messel specimens, Eomanis’ diet consisted of both insects and plants. Its contemporary was the related, albeit scale-less, anteater-like Eurotamandua.
Но был ещё и некроманис (не и названьице).
Necromanis (literally "dead pangolin") is an extinct genus of pangolin from the Miocene of France. Necromanis is descended from the Eocene pangolins of genus Eomanis.
From what can be derived from the fossil specimens, the species of Necromanis were, for the most part, identical to modern Manis pangolins in anatomy, diet, and behavior.
There are at least three species recognized.
#2 30 January 2012 15:35:21
- Argentavis
- Любознательный
- Откуда: Москва
- Зарегистрирован: 01 January 2012
- Сообщений: 67
- Вебсайт
Re: Панголины
Еще в копилку видов - Manis paleojavanica, Юго-Восточная Азия, плейстоцен. Размеры - в два раза крупнее современного яванского панголина (длина последнего - примерно 120 см, масса - 10 кг). Вероятно, еще одна жертва человека...
In addition, a collection of bones (subsequently named Manis paleojavanica), which was morphologically most similar to the extant M. javanica but at least twice the length, was found from sites in South Asia and mainland Southeast Asia from the early to mid 1900s (Dubois, 1907). Bones of a large-bodied Manis taxon radiocarbon-dated to around 40 thousand years ago (i.e. late Pleistocene/ Holocene) was also found in the Niah Cave, together with butchered remains of M. javanica, suggesting that the two species co-existed and were hunted by humans at a point in time (Piper et al., in press).
#3 30 August 2012 19:39:43
- Алекс
- Сан Саныч - Модератор
- Откуда: Юг Украины
- Зарегистрирован: 05 February 2008
- Сообщений: 24254
Re: Панголины
Manis palaejavanica http://www.dwc.knaw.nl/DL/publications/PU00015393.pdf Photographic figures of 24 (of the 28 collected) bones of Manis palaejalJanica and the
homonymous bones of Manis jalJanica. mostly near each other; the radii of the former
species. however. lie in the upper row. of the latter in the lower row. Partly the bones
were found connected in their natural mutual position. some slightly. the ectocuneiform
bone considerably. dislocated . The corresponding bones of Manis jalJanica are connected
with each other in the same way as in the fossil bones found . Автор пишет ,что кости принадлежат подвзрослому животному ,полная длина более 2.5 м ,у Африканского современного 1.4м длина и вес 33кг ,то есть вымерший родич Manis palaejavanica весил более 200кг.
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