
"Духовный уровень человека определяется тем, как человек понимает кошку" — Бернард Шоу.
"Давайте только проявлять больше внимания, терпимости и уважения к чужому мнению — вот и всё." — Gennadius.
О размещении изображений на форуме, О рекламе на форуме

#226 14 July 2011 21:05:47

Любитель животных
Зарегистрирован: 05 December 2006
Сообщений: 19226

Re: Сумчатый волк, или тилацин (Thylacinus cynocephalus)

практически нет. Но вот новопривезенные двлорняги - заходят туда. Более того, на соседней Папуа именно в джунглях живут "поющие" собаки.



#227 14 July 2011 21:29:12

Crazy Zoologist

Re: Сумчатый волк, или тилацин (Thylacinus cynocephalus)

Дворняги 100% не конкурент сумчатому волку. Это я могу утвержджать зная собак. Да, дворняги образуют свору, но никто из них не обладает достаточной смелостью, чтоб "бросить вызов" "питбулю", а сумковолк именно "питбуль" в данном случае. Это что касается прямой конфроктации. Что касается пищевой конкуренции  - сумчатый волк вполне может обходиться и "мелочью" типа мелких валлаби и т.п. И ему требуется меньше пищи, чем своре одичавших собак.

Поющие новогвинейские собаки это далеко не динго. Если бы эти два хищника обитали бок о бок, то скорее всего избегали бы друг друга.

Тилацин на материка исчез "благодаря" многим фактором и прямая конфронтация с динго эжто всего лишь один из них. Также слудет учитывать конкуренцию с человеком + обеднение мегафауны благодаря ему.


#228 15 July 2011 15:21:00

Crazy Zoologist

Re: Сумчатый волк, или тилацин (Thylacinus cynocephalus)

Американский издатель Тед Тернер объявил награду в размере ста тысяч долларов тому, кто найдет сумчатого волка.



The following are thylacine sightings as reported to the Parks and Wildlife Service. Not all sightings are reported to authorities.

June 1996 - Two fishermen who were anchored off Davidsons Bay on the North-West Coast report seeing an animal with prominent ears and head and straight-out tail, about three-quarters the size of a german shepherd, and resembling a brown hyena, walking along a beach like a crippled dog. It was observed through binoculars for 10 minutes as it walked 330m. At least one of the fishermen admitted having seen a thylacine before in the same place and at Studland Bay the year before.

1997 - A forester reported seeing a thylacine walk out of bushland and along a paddock edge at Mt Hobbs, near Woodsdale in the South. The man said the animal, which he saw from about 150m away, had a funny walk, straight tail and indistinct stripes, and moved differently from a dog. Two "old farmers" had also seen a thylacine walk out of the bush. The person taking the report noted that the sighting, which was not reported until 1998, was similar to another made by a farmer, but could not find out who it was.

August 1997 - A man patrolling an area of the North-West Coast saw what he first thought was a wild dog, but on looking again he realised it was not a dog. He described the animal as the same build and size as a german shepherd, with a large head and medium-length tail held horizontally. It was brown with distinct chocolate-coloured stripes. It stood for about one minute before turning awkwardly as though it had no spine articulation, dropped its haunches and "rocked away". The man noted a distinct smell. This sighting was rated by authorities as one of the best and most reliable reports in 20 years.

January 1998 - A bus driver was 100 per cent sure that he saw a thylacine standing still on a roadside between Zeehan and Queenstown about 4pm. It had stripes and a long pointed tail, and was bone-coloured with a pointy head. It was about the size of a medium dog.

March 1998 - A bushwalker at the Walls of Jerusalem saw a creature described as dingo-size and pale brown, with distinct dark brown stripes down its rump that were smaller toward its front. It was seen for about five seconds from 25m away walking smoothly across an open area. The bushwalker knew that there were no dingoes in Tasmania and that thylacines were extinct, and therefore thought it was a prop for brochure pictures. The bushwalker wrote a letter to authorities a month later with a photograph of where the thylacine was seen, stating: "(This) is where I saw with about 100 per cent certainty a thylacine... I certainly do hope that this picture may be of some help to you in the search for thylacines. I know they still exist and hope they will in the future."

July 1998 - Two adults driving in a hire car on the LyeIl Highway between Queenstown and Strahan at night reported almost running over a thylacine when it ran across the road in front of them. It was described as having distinct dark stripes on a lighter-coloured body, with a tail that appeared straight although it was not well seen. The animal also had a fox-like snout, but they said it was definitely not a fox. It was about 35cm taIl, and between 60 and 70cm long, not including the tail, and moved with a pacing gait. It was just 2m from the car when it was seen for two or three seconds. The people making the report had seen a holographic thylacine image at the Lake St Clair National Park Visitors Centre earlier the same day.

October 1998 - A man and a woman saw a mysterious animal lope in front of their car at 10am in an unrecorded location. It had a dark brown body with yellow stripes, a small head and a long body and tail, and was definitely not a dog. The animal was seen about 6m from the car for about four seconds. One of the pair thought it was a thylacine, even though the colours appeared to be opposite that of a thylacine. The other did not believe it was a thylacine but had no idea what it was.

December 1998 - Two Victorian men were driving 60km east of the Great Lake Hotel at 6pm when a four-legged animal crossed the road 70m ahead of their car, stopped and looked in their direction. It was golden, about knee-high and very long, with a long, straight tail that was thick at the base. Its head was large compared with its body, with small ears and oriental eyes. It left the road and went through a fence into scrub or a clearing, where it was seen jumping a stump. They returned to the location the next day and collected fur from the fence and a fresh dropping, and saw a footprint that one of the men accidentally trod on. A drawing was done of the footprint from memory. Despite acknowledging that the men sounded genuine, authorities said the story sounded too good to be true and there were some inconsistencies in the men's stories. The ranger handling the report wrote: "I will try and find out if (either men) had been to the thylacine display at the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery (because) it might have given them a good idea."

December 1998 - A group reported seeing an animal about the size of a labrador with obvious stripes and a straight tail as they rounded a bend in the road between Pyengana and Weldborough on the Tasman Highway. It was stated that the animal appeared to be preparing to jump up a small embankment on the side of the road, and even though they saw it for just a few seconds, they passed within 2m of it. They did not stop or mark the spot, but drove on in shock.

March 2000 - A person reported seeing an animal that crossed the Lyell Highway near the Wild Rivers National Park that did not look like any type of dog they had seen. It was chocolate brown all over, with a long body, a long tail and a squashed-in type of face. It walked "majestically" across the road 70m away.

March 2000 - A thylacine was reported to have run across a track ahead of a four-wheel-drive at the southern end of Bronte Lagoon. It was seen for just a second or two. A subsequent check by authorities found no footprints.

May 2000 - An animal that looked like a hyena was reported to have run across the Cradle Mountain Link Rd at night, but did not move like a dog. It was seen by one person, who stated it had a large head and rounded ears and was light brown around the neck. It was observed in headlights for about 10 seconds.

January 2001 - A person e-mailed a Parks and Wildlife Service officer to say that an acquaintance insisted on having seen a thylacine less than a year before in the tiers near Liffey and also knew of a Midlands farmer who supposedly shot a thylacine that he had mistaken for a dog chasing sheep in 1998. The farmer was said to have buried the carcass immediately, fearing prosecution. The e-mail also detailed how the sender had snared a 1m-long thylacine at Nabowla in 1953. "I laid him out with a dropper off a fence and was putting him into a bag when he came to and got away. I had him by the tail, and I lost my grip when he tried to bite me... I was 14 years old." The e-mail also revealed a sighting on the Bridgenorth Rd in 1960.

August 2001 - A mustard-coloured animal about the size of a big spaniel dog was seen walking along a track near the Murchison Highway.

September 2001 - A man heading home one night saw an animal that he believed was a thylacine on the Sideling between Launceston and Scottsdale. Making the report, the man said the striped animal was about the size of a large cat, and he expected that a thylacine would have been larger. It is understood that authorities believed the animal was a native cat.

Aboriginal art depicting thylacine, Kakadu, Northern Australia (Photo by Ina Johnson).



#229 16 July 2011 13:01:27

Crazy Zoologist

Re: Сумчатый волк, или тилацин (Thylacinus cynocephalus)

Хотели мозг тилацина? Вот он:


#230 16 July 2011 13:09:37

Без пяти минут зоолог
Зарегистрирован: 31 July 2008
Сообщений: 10735

Re: Сумчатый волк, или тилацин (Thylacinus cynocephalus)

Похоже заспиртованный, а не просто слепок?



#231 16 July 2011 13:15:35

Crazy Zoologist

Re: Сумчатый волк, или тилацин (Thylacinus cynocephalus)

Не понял, если честно. Написано, что диаграмма.
http://www.naturalworlds.org/thylacine/ … tomy_5.htm


#232 18 July 2011 00:52:24

Crazy Zoologist

Re: Сумчатый волк, или тилацин (Thylacinus cynocephalus)



#233 18 July 2011 09:44:39

Любитель животных
Зарегистрирован: 20 September 2010
Сообщений: 510

Re: Сумчатый волк, или тилацин (Thylacinus cynocephalus)

Кот :

А правда, что у вас чуть ли не в самом глубоком горном лесу есть скамеечки и прочие следы присутствия человека? Говорят, что остров сильно заселен и застроен людьми, однако когда смотрю его по google earth'у, то там бОльшая часть - горные леса, а людские поселения кажутся маленькими. В принципе в таких лесах вполне мог выжить сумчатый волк. То есть ресурсов хватает. Другое дело что если так, то его давно бы заметили, так как животное выходило бы к человеческим жилищам в поисках пищи в любом случае.

Артём Александрович, сорри, я не в курсе пока. Мы вглубь не ходили ещё. Но поспрашиваю. Вкалываем, работы много, не до отдыха. Думаю, туристы знают Тасманию лучше местных.))) Про то, что остров сильно заселён людьми, немного не правда, насколько я знаю 2/3 территории Тасмании не подлежит ни застройкам, ни покупкам земли. Всё обнесено заборами, походить, разведать трриторию можно только в местах, для прогулок разрешённых. У нас довольно сильно развита Охрана Природы и невмешательство людей в дикую природу. Есть предложения покупок Conservation Land, допустим, с несколькими видами животных диких, там живущих, с насколько  я знаю некоторой финансовой и другой помощью от государства тем людям, кто такие земли покупает.Там запрещён сруб деревьев и есть другие некоторые ограничения, как владельцам земель. Но они все основаны на бережном отношении к природе, потому, они не смертельные. Фермеры отстреливают кроме фералов ещё и мелких животных, разрушающих курятники и т.п. Некоторые их и кушают, после отстрела, рассказывали. Много rural properties, на которых ограничены права тоже, но опять-таки в целях сохранения природы-матушки.

P.S. 500 000 народу на острове, это мало, но вот я не люблю тесноту и большие города. Мы в Лонсестоне, Скотсдэйл от нас 55км, вот видели там кошку, читаю ваше окончание ссылки, в 2001, похожую на Тилацина, может и действительно они живы, хочется в это верить, конечно. Cradle Mountain у нас горный "курорт" и очен сильно заселён дикими  животными, там есть резервация дэвилов тоже, большая, ну и снег сейчас лежит, из окон вижу; поедем скоро, как только будет возможность.

Отредактировано Тасманка (18 July 2011 10:00:19)

The greatest joy in Nature is the absence of man.



#234 18 July 2011 12:34:05

Crazy Zoologist

Re: Сумчатый волк, или тилацин (Thylacinus cynocephalus)

"насколько я знаю 2/3 территории Тасмании не подлежит ни застройкам, ни покупкам земли."
Примерно столько же я и прикинул, глядя на Тасманию с google earth'а...
Это радует, спасибо!


#235 22 July 2011 17:52:12

admin homezoo
Откуда: Австрия
Зарегистрирован: 22 July 2011
Сообщений: 4

Re: Сумчатый волк, или тилацин (Thylacinus cynocephalus)

Кот :

Американский издатель Тед Тернер объявил награду в размере ста тысяч долларов тому, кто найдет сумчатого волка.



The following are thylacine sightings as reported to the Parks and Wildlife Service. Not all sightings are reported to authorities.

June 1996 - Two fishermen who were anchored off Davidsons Bay on the North-West Coast report seeing an animal with prominent ears and head and straight-out tail, about three-quarters the size of a german shepherd, and resembling a brown hyena, walking along a beach like a crippled dog. It was observed through binoculars for 10 minutes as it walked 330m. At least one of the fishermen admitted having seen a thylacine before in the same place and at Studland Bay the year before.

1997 - A forester reported seeing a thylacine walk out of bushland and along a paddock edge at Mt Hobbs, near Woodsdale in the South. The man said the animal, which he saw from about 150m away, had a funny walk, straight tail and indistinct stripes, and moved differently from a dog. Two "old farmers" had also seen a thylacine walk out of the bush. The person taking the report noted that the sighting, which was not reported until 1998, was similar to another made by a farmer, but could not find out who it was.

August 1997 - A man patrolling an area of the North-West Coast saw what he first thought was a wild dog, but on looking again he realised it was not a dog. He described the animal as the same build and size as a german shepherd, with a large head and medium-length tail held horizontally. It was brown with distinct chocolate-coloured stripes. It stood for about one minute before turning awkwardly as though it had no spine articulation, dropped its haunches and "rocked away". The man noted a distinct smell. This sighting was rated by authorities as one of the best and most reliable reports in 20 years.

January 1998 - A bus driver was 100 per cent sure that he saw a thylacine standing still on a roadside between Zeehan and Queenstown about 4pm. It had stripes and a long pointed tail, and was bone-coloured with a pointy head. It was about the size of a medium dog.

March 1998 - A bushwalker at the Walls of Jerusalem saw a creature described as dingo-size and pale brown, with distinct dark brown stripes down its rump that were smaller toward its front. It was seen for about five seconds from 25m away walking smoothly across an open area. The bushwalker knew that there were no dingoes in Tasmania and that thylacines were extinct, and therefore thought it was a prop for brochure pictures. The bushwalker wrote a letter to authorities a month later with a photograph of where the thylacine was seen, stating: "(This) is where I saw with about 100 per cent certainty a thylacine... I certainly do hope that this picture may be of some help to you in the search for thylacines. I know they still exist and hope they will in the future."

July 1998 - Two adults driving in a hire car on the LyeIl Highway between Queenstown and Strahan at night reported almost running over a thylacine when it ran across the road in front of them. It was described as having distinct dark stripes on a lighter-coloured body, with a tail that appeared straight although it was not well seen. The animal also had a fox-like snout, but they said it was definitely not a fox. It was about 35cm taIl, and between 60 and 70cm long, not including the tail, and moved with a pacing gait. It was just 2m from the car when it was seen for two or three seconds. The people making the report had seen a holographic thylacine image at the Lake St Clair National Park Visitors Centre earlier the same day.

October 1998 - A man and a woman saw a mysterious animal lope in front of their car at 10am in an unrecorded location. It had a dark brown body with yellow stripes, a small head and a long body and tail, and was definitely not a dog. The animal was seen about 6m from the car for about four seconds. One of the pair thought it was a thylacine, even though the colours appeared to be opposite that of a thylacine. The other did not believe it was a thylacine but had no idea what it was.

December 1998 - Two Victorian men were driving 60km east of the Great Lake Hotel at 6pm when a four-legged animal crossed the road 70m ahead of their car, stopped and looked in their direction. It was golden, about knee-high and very long, with a long, straight tail that was thick at the base. Its head was large compared with its body, with small ears and oriental eyes. It left the road and went through a fence into scrub or a clearing, where it was seen jumping a stump. They returned to the location the next day and collected fur from the fence and a fresh dropping, and saw a footprint that one of the men accidentally trod on. A drawing was done of the footprint from memory. Despite acknowledging that the men sounded genuine, authorities said the story sounded too good to be true and there were some inconsistencies in the men's stories. The ranger handling the report wrote: "I will try and find out if (either men) had been to the thylacine display at the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery (because) it might have given them a good idea."

December 1998 - A group reported seeing an animal about the size of a labrador with obvious stripes and a straight tail as they rounded a bend in the road between Pyengana and Weldborough on the Tasman Highway. It was stated that the animal appeared to be preparing to jump up a small embankment on the side of the road, and even though they saw it for just a few seconds, they passed within 2m of it. They did not stop or mark the spot, but drove on in shock.

March 2000 - A person reported seeing an animal that crossed the Lyell Highway near the Wild Rivers National Park that did not look like any type of dog they had seen. It was chocolate brown all over, with a long body, a long tail and a squashed-in type of face. It walked "majestically" across the road 70m away.

March 2000 - A thylacine was reported to have run across a track ahead of a four-wheel-drive at the southern end of Bronte Lagoon. It was seen for just a second or two. A subsequent check by authorities found no footprints.

May 2000 - An animal that looked like a hyena was reported to have run across the Cradle Mountain Link Rd at night, but did not move like a dog. It was seen by one person, who stated it had a large head and rounded ears and was light brown around the neck. It was observed in headlights for about 10 seconds.

January 2001 - A person e-mailed a Parks and Wildlife Service officer to say that an acquaintance insisted on having seen a thylacine less than a year before in the tiers near Liffey and also knew of a Midlands farmer who supposedly shot a thylacine that he had mistaken for a dog chasing sheep in 1998. The farmer was said to have buried the carcass immediately, fearing prosecution. The e-mail also detailed how the sender had snared a 1m-long thylacine at Nabowla in 1953. "I laid him out with a dropper off a fence and was putting him into a bag when he came to and got away. I had him by the tail, and I lost my grip when he tried to bite me... I was 14 years old." The e-mail also revealed a sighting on the Bridgenorth Rd in 1960.

August 2001 - A mustard-coloured animal about the size of a big spaniel dog was seen walking along a track near the Murchison Highway.

September 2001 - A man heading home one night saw an animal that he believed was a thylacine on the Sideling between Launceston and Scottsdale. Making the report, the man said the striped animal was about the size of a large cat, and he expected that a thylacine would have been larger. It is understood that authorities believed the animal was a native cat.

Aboriginal art depicting thylacine, Kakadu, Northern Australia (Photo by Ina Johnson).


Здравствуте все!
Давно меня интересует судьба тасманца.
Позволю себе предложить вам все возможное видео, которое я собрал по этому уникальному зверю. Кстати, некоторые из моих австралийских знакомых верят в то, что он не вымер....


тиранозавр неважно видит, но при таком весе это уже не его проблемы.....



#236 28 July 2011 00:08:36

Crazy Zoologist

Re: Сумчатый волк, или тилацин (Thylacinus cynocephalus)

Раскадровка видео со странным животным (скорее всего собака, но все же), похожим на тилацина + фотографии тилацина:
http://thefauxistinternational.files.wo … tures1.jpg


#237 28 July 2011 16:15:19

Любитель животных
Зарегистрирован: 20 September 2010
Сообщений: 510

Re: Сумчатый волк, или тилацин (Thylacinus cynocephalus)

Артём Александрович, на здоровье. wink Мы когда влетаем на материк, там девелоперами всё поизрезано на жилплощади на долгие километры, камню негде упасть.  У нас занята людьми в основном только прибрежная зона, дорого стоит жильё с видом на воды. А леса внутри острова и практически весь центр Тасмании принадлежит животным диким.

Admin homezoo, велкам smile , очень радует,что вы там из Австрии пытетесь проследить существование тилацина. Я поспрашиваю тоже наших лесников и лесорубов. Самой интерeсна инфа подобная.

The greatest joy in Nature is the absence of man.



#238 30 July 2011 13:46:37

Зарегистрирован: 13 February 2010
Сообщений: 191

Re: Сумчатый волк, или тилацин (Thylacinus cynocephalus)

Кот :

Раскадровка видео со странным животным (скорее всего собака, но все же), похожим на тилацина + фотографии тилацина:
http://thefauxistinternational.files.wo … tures1.jpg

к сожалению, не видно чтобы животное ступало на пятку
и хвост..,  - у тилацина он явно не такой(



#239 30 July 2011 13:48:10

Crazy Zoologist

Re: Сумчатый волк, или тилацин (Thylacinus cynocephalus)

А тилацин и не ступал на пятку.


#240 09 January 2012 03:07:57

Crazy Zoologist

Re: Сумчатый волк, или тилацин (Thylacinus cynocephalus)

Обратите внимание на эти видео:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cax8FzIX … re=related

Скорее всего ркечь об этом существе - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNfhVQlW … n&NR=1
Но что это за существо?? Псовое. Но какое?

Вот еще интересное видео - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NthS7iH9DrY


#241 09 January 2012 03:10:45

Crazy Zoologist

Re: Сумчатый волк, или тилацин (Thylacinus cynocephalus)


#242 09 January 2012 03:17:15

Crazy Zoologist

Re: Сумчатый волк, или тилацин (Thylacinus cynocephalus)

Cloning The Tasmanian Tiger Part 1



Прошу ознакомиться со всем моим выложенным недавно материалом и высказать своё мнение.


#243 10 January 2012 08:34:31

Без пяти минут зоолог
Откуда: Покровск, Якутия
Зарегистрирован: 06 July 2010
Сообщений: 1400

Re: Сумчатый волк, или тилацин (Thylacinus cynocephalus)

Существо на представленном видео действительно странное, хотя у "них" таких странных "чупакабр" хватает! Кстати, плюсна у него ну очень длинная (в сравнении с тилациновским).

По другим фильмам судить не берусь, т.к. их качество оставляет желать лучшего, также не очень отчетливо видна плюсна, да и животное в движении.

Вот есть анализ съемок 1973 года проведенных Кэмпбеллом http://www.wherelightmeetsdark.com/inde … =view_page в нем также указывается на плохое качество снимков, но все же, он больше склоняется к версии, что на представленных снимках животное по параметрам соответствует тилацину.

Прежде, чем бороться со мной за экологию, сначала посчитайте, сколько горючего сжигает ваша посудина!



#244 18 February 2012 23:49:28

Любитель животных
Зарегистрирован: 20 September 2010
Сообщений: 510

Re: Сумчатый волк, или тилацин (Thylacinus cynocephalus)

По дороге домой c Trowunna Wildlife Sanctuary заехали в магазинчик на дороге, с названием Tasmanian Tiger , где были некоторые сувениры в виде нашей живности, +бутафорская шкура Тилацина, книга "Миф о Тилацине" и прочее. А под стеклом, как не продающееся лежал вот этот окаменелый череп Тилацина!! Мне его дали подержать, тяжёлый довольно. Прямо прониклась весом и ощущениями его существования.
Спросила, есть ли какие новости от местных и продолжают ли люди наши искать Тилацина? Сказал, да, продолжают, трое в их посёлке активных искателей есть, ищут, несмотря ни на что. На такие вот статьи, например.
http://www.abc.net.au/science/articles/ … 404603.htm

Отредактировано Тасманка (18 February 2012 23:52:31)

The greatest joy in Nature is the absence of man.



#245 17 March 2012 16:47:24

Crazy Zoologist

Re: Сумчатый волк, или тилацин (Thylacinus cynocephalus)

а также у него нет ничего похожего на секущие (хищные) зубы волка и собаки.

Что за бред? Вроде серьезный человек пишет. А вообще статья интересная  - http://antropogenez.ru/tilacin/


#246 17 March 2012 17:57:10

Зарегистрирован: 06 January 2010
Сообщений: 41

Re: Сумчатый волк, или тилацин (Thylacinus cynocephalus)

Кот :

а также у него нет ничего похожего на секущие (хищные) зубы волка и собаки.

Что за бред? Вроде серьезный человек пишет. А вообще статья интересная  -

Вы можете аргументировать, что это утверждение Власенко не соответствует действительности?



#247 17 March 2012 18:19:34

Crazy Zoologist

Re: Сумчатый волк, или тилацин (Thylacinus cynocephalus)



#248 17 March 2012 21:55:10

Зарегистрирован: 06 January 2010
Сообщений: 41

Re: Сумчатый волк, или тилацин (Thylacinus cynocephalus)

Кот :


Поясните пожалуйста, какие зубы Вы подразумеваете под секущими (хищными).



#249 17 March 2012 22:30:33

Crazy Zoologist

Re: Сумчатый волк, или тилацин (Thylacinus cynocephalus)

Это не я подразумеваю, а автор статьи - "у него (в смысле тилацина) нет ничего похожего на секущие (хищные) зубы волка и собаки".
Как мы видим, у него есть секущие зубы.


#250 17 March 2012 23:04:45

Откуда: Серпухов
Зарегистрирован: 04 November 2008
Сообщений: 4591

Re: Сумчатый волк, или тилацин (Thylacinus cynocephalus)

Так секущие зубы это иным словом - премоляры? Как видно, у тилацина, в отличие от собаки и волка их 3 (между каждым клыком и первым моляром), а не 4. Но они же не отсутствуют, просто морфологически отличаются.

Отредактировано Unenlagia (17 March 2012 23:50:55)

Не волим змајеве, али чини ми се да су ме воле!



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